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Listed here are some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQs):
How much Udo’s Oil should I take a day?
Udo recommends:
You can start with 1 Tbsp per day, increasing every few days until you reach the recommended amount.
For the average person who is not very active Udo recommends 2 Tbsp per day.
What’s the dosage for children?
How soon will changes be apparent?
This varies from person to person. Udo states that with the proper dosage there should be a noticeable improvement in athletic performance and the skin should become softer and smoother, within a few weeks.
What about capsules versus the liquid oil?
Taking Udo’s Oil in capsules is not ideal. It takes 14 caps to give you 1 Tbsp of the liquid oil. The caps are for convenience and travelling, not for continuous use.
Is there any danger in taking too much?
Not really, but as with any oil, your body will let you know if you are taking too much. You may feel nauseated and have much softer stools, almost diarrhea. If this occurs, just cut back.
Can the oil be added to hot foods?
Yes it can: oatmeal, steamed vegetables, baked potatoes, soups, etc – after they are served. (Temp. up to 325° F)
Can I stir-fry with the oil?
Are there any nuts in Udo’s Oil blend, or have nuts been in contact with the pressing machinery?
Why are some bottles of Udo’s Oil cloudy?
This is normal and safe; it is due to the initial set up of the filtration system.
What is the carb content of Udo’s Oil?
0.1 %. In 1 tablespoon there is 15 mg.
How long will Udo’s Oil keep after it is opened?
2 months refrigerated.
Does the oil need refrigeration?
Yes, we press it in a cool environment, store it in temperature controlled coolrooms and ship it in refrigerated containers to help preserve the integrity of the delicate fatty acids and the overall quality of the oil.
Why don’t you use plastic bottles?
There are numerous environmental issues surrounding plastics that are important to us, as well as unanswered health questions.
How can I travel with Udo’s Oil?
Use the capsules or put the liquid oil in a freezer pack to transport it. The capsules are not intended to replace the liquid oil; it takes 28 caps of oil to equal 2 Tbsp. You can take 3-6 per day for a limited time to maintain some level of EFA’s in your body.
If you want to take bottled oil, use a small cooler and place ice or frozen gelpacks around the bottle. This will keep it cool until you reach your destination, then you can either get more ice, or put the bottle in the fridge.
I noticed Lecithin and Vitamin E on the label – are they non-GMO?
Does Udo’s Oil have methionine or cysteine in it?
Are there isoflavones in Udo’s Oil?
Significant amounts are not present because the only possible source is soy. The lecithin from the soy is an oil-based product (and relatively pure). Isoflavones are water/alcohol soluble, so the amount would be minimal if present at all.
What is the phytosterol content of Udo’s Oil?
Udo’s oil contains approx. 27 mg – 49 mg of phytosterols per tablespoon. They are naturally occurring phytosterols, not fortified.
Can Udo’s Oil be taken by someone with only one kidney?
Yes. Oil digestion takes place in the stomach and the wastes leave the body primarily via the intestinal tract.
Does Udo’s Oil speed up the heart beat?
No, Omega-3’s stabilize cardiac rhythm. The lack of it can cause arrhythmia.
Is Udo’s Oil safe with beta blockers?
There are no contra-indications indicated.
What effect does Udo’s Oil have on cholesterol levels?
One of the effects is to dissolve cholesterol from the artery walls and other places where it has been stored over the years. This dissolved cholesterol is then transported by the blood to the liver, which will then convert it into bile and discharge it into the digestive tract.
Three points become very important here:
Can people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease take Udo’s Oil?
It depends; some individuals who are very sensitive to oat bran/germ cannot use the oil. Others, who are not so sensitive can. The Celiac Association of Canada says there is a problem with oats and its derivatives for celiacs. However there is research stating that oats do not contain the type of gluten which is of concern for celiacs. Oat bran is listed on the label and consumers can make an educated decision about using a product which contains it.
The following statement comes from testing the government of Germany has done on Udo’s Oil: “The oil blend has been assayed for the content of gluten, as it contains unrefined oil pressed from oat bran and germ. The levels of gliadin are very low and in accordance with Codex Alimentarius standards. Udo’s Oil™ is to be considered gluten-free as the miniscule amounts of gluten present are much lower than those found in “gluten-free” grains such as buckwheat.”
Could Udo’s Oil have caused my headache?
Possibly. Since the oil can cause fat stored toxins to be released from their storage sites in the body, these released toxins travel via the bloodstream in order to be eliminated from the body.
This elimination process may cause headaches to develop, but as cleansing progresses, they should go away. Drink at least 2 quarts (litres) of water every day to alleviate distress. This helps flush out toxins and wastes that result from normal cellular metabolism, which can build up around your cells. Please check with your doctor if symptoms persist.
Do many people use Udo’s Oil for weight loss? If so, how can it work having 29g of fat in two tablespoons?
Most of us have been educated into believing that low fat/no fat diets are good for us. Actually, the most accurate way of looking at fat intake, is that the average person needs about 2000 calories per day to maintain health, with the corresponding amount of exercise etc. Of these 2000 calories, 30% (600 calories) are supposed to come from good nutritional fats.
Since 1 Tbsp of Udo’s Oil™ is only 135 calories, it means that the RDA of the oil (2 Tbsp) is only 270 calories of your daily fat calorie allowance. This means you are far below your recommended daily fat intake, and you have some room for foods with fat in them, or some butter, or olive oil if you want it.
If you have been accustomed to a very low fat, or no fat diet, it is entirely possible that you could gain weight. What needs to be understood is that excess weight primarily comes from taking in too many refined carbohydrates, such as the ones high in starch, as well as refined sugars or white flour. A carbohydrate, when broken down by the body into glucose is what the body uses for fuel. If the intake of fuel is higher than what is burned, the result will be weight gain.
The other point to remember, when consuming Udo’s Oil™, is that you also will be getting the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that are absolutely integral to the proper functioning of every cell in your body, especially the brain and nerve cells. This is the main reason for taking in oils high in EFA’s.
How do EFA’s affect weight loss?
Omega-3 can turn off the “fat-making” gene, and turn on the “fat-burning” gene, but carbohydrate intake needs to be reduced drastically. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body, which is the “immediate” fuel our cells use to create energy. If more fuel is supplied than is needed for energy at that time, the balance of the fuel will be transformed into a “storage” form of fuel, which means it becomes fat.
What if I just add flax oil to my diet?
Rather than adding flax oil, which has a 4:1 balance of Omega-3 to Omega-6; it would be much healthier to eliminate sources of damaged Omega-6: commercial, readily available cooking and salad oils, as well as fried foods. Our diet has changed in the last 50 years to the extent that many of our foods are now fried in vegetable oils. In traditional cooking, foods were boiled, baked or roasted. Fried foods were originally prepared with hard fats like butter. For good health, take a serious look at how your foods are prepared.
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